Keith Haring X Schunck

Podcast: Heerlen praat verder… about Keith Haring!

Heerlen praat verder (‘Heerlen in discussion’) is a (Dutch-language) podcast made for and by Heerlen residents about the many activities taking place in this vibrant city. The first episode this year is dedicated to the Keith Haring: Grace House Mural exhibition.  

Podcast producer and presenter Marco Smeets talks with SCHUNCK’s artistic director Fabian de Kloe and media sociologist Theo Ploeg about the Grace House Mural exhibition which was brought to Heerlen from Detroit and why this exhibition is such a fitting choice. Curator Raenys Martis and visual artist Brian Heiligers talk about the development of the street art scene in Heerlen and Keith Haring’s abiding influence. Plus: Marco discusses The Notorious IBE breakdance festival with Yvonne Driessen. Marco also holds a conversation with Kor Bonnema (director of SCHUNCK), council executive Jordy Clemens and music teacher Gwen van Genderen during the opening of Keith Haring: Grace House Mural.

So, plenty to listen to! The podcast (in Dutch) can be found here: