Schunck 2023 Drivers Seat 23 24

Join Driver's Seat 23 - 24

Does your heart beat faster with culture in the broadest sense of the word? Are you headstrong, creative and up for an artistic adventure? And are you between 16 and 23 years old? Then perhaps Driver's Seat 2023-2024 is for you. 

Driver's Seat is SCHUNCK's youth group

'Creative, headstrong and incredibly curious about the world of art and culture': those are the members of Driver's Seat. SCHUNCK offers these young adults a place at the table, the chance to think and talk about what happens in SCHUNCK, Heerlen and the world. 

Edition 2023 - 2024

During the 2023 - 2024 edition, the young adults from Driver's Seat dive into the work and exhibition 'For life: 10 years of David Bade in Heerlen'. They will take a look behind the scenes, feel the artist out and learn how to lead tours to show the exhibition to the public themselves. They immerse themselves in the SCHUNCK collection and get further inspired during a working visit to other museums to finally set up their own project.

"You don't have to know much about art, but you do have to like it!"


The young adults of Driver's Seat meet every two weeks on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the SCHUNCK Glaspaleis. We start a new group each year after fall break - this year on November 1 - and work together for the rest of the school year. 

Claim your seat!

Does this sound interesting? 

Do you know or are you someone who múst take a seat at Driver's Seat? Then send an email to Simoon Hanssen before Oct. 24 at Want to read more about Driver's Seat? Then click here.

We will start on November 1!