SCHUNCK Zorba Longen Cultura Nova 2023 - poster

Zorba Huisman - NOX (NL) / Longen

'Longen' is NOX Foundation's first theatre production and will take place at SCHUNCK during Cultura Nova. 


SCHUNCK Glaspaleis


€ 17,50

"Right now, I know exactly what you need to hear and this is absolutely what I feel. We are not going to reason this to death. We are going to do this."

'Longen'  (or 'Lungs') is the love story of today's generation. A love couple ventures into an issue that in this day and age is more a question of conscience than love. Shall we or shall we not bring a child into this world? Two lovers question themselves and each other about their choices and motivations. They are 'good' people, they think. But is the inevitable clash with the outside world something they are willing to do to their offspring? At a fast pace, they talk about the war, prevailing political tensions and, above all, the climate.

Big and topical issues are interspersed with intimate, small, loving and recognisable moments between two millennials searching for their own understanding and conviction. The performance full of humour and depth presents a loving confrontation between dream and reality, in a way that will appeal to both younger and older generations. Central themes are legacy, climate, trust, right of choice, conscience and love.

Zorba Huisman graduated from the directing course at Toneelacademie Maastricht in 2021 and has been working as a director and actress ever since. She is the founder of the NOX Foundation and is also a directing assistant at ITA. Her work is characterised by strong, aesthetic images. Musical in nature, but always striving for a form that carries content and enhances the story.

'Longen' is NOX Foundation's first theatre production. In a society that is rapidly changing and becoming increasingly complex, NOX is an innovative and connecting addition to the (Limburg) cultural landscape. NOX brings people together by investing in young makers who innovatively and interdisciplinarily tell stories that touch on our times.

Directed by: Zorba Huisman
Directed by: Luka Kluskens
Performance: Nick Renzo Garcia and Frieda Barnhard
Text: Duncan Macmillan
Translation: Teunkie van der Sluis
Production: Maartje Austen and Luka Kluskens

VIA ZUID supports young performing artists on their way to professional professional practice. In and from Limburg. Together with partners such as Cultura Nova, talented makers get thinkers to surprise and enrich the world with their performances and projects.

'Longen' is a co-production with Festival Cultura Nova and VIA ZUID. With thanks to SCHUNCK. Tickets are on sale online via Parkstad Limburg Theatres.